Solent Junior School
Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 Home Page

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The summer term has arrived – your child’s last term at Solent Junior School! The first part of the term will be extremely busy as we shall be continuing to prepare for the SATs in May. Even though we want the children to be thoroughly prepared, we do not want them to be over-anxious and would ask you to support us in emphasising that all we expect is that the children do their best.

In MATHS this term’s teaching will focus on revision areas and gap-busting techniques running alongside the Primary Curriculum for Maths. We shall be introducing new learning after the SATs in preparation for senior school, but revision will feature largely in our learning for the first few weeks. The children are expected to know their tables and any relevant maths information and vocabulary that they have been given to learn. Children still have access to the LQB, Sumdog, and Edshed websites to aid revision.

During ENGLISH lessons we shall be concentrating on reading comprehension skills and SPaG revision activities in the weeks before the assessment week. We shall also be starting our writing sessions linked to our History topic ‘Crime and Punishment’ with a focus on the book Holes written by Louis Sachar.

The final half term’s ENGLISH will be focused on SPEAKING AND LISTENING and will be linked to our end of year production. Further information about this will be available closer to the time! We will also be completing a transition unit in preparation for senior school.

During the summer term, we will hold a week of sessions where the children will be focusing on SEX AND RELATIONSHIP EDUCATION. Information regarding this will be sent home nearer the time, along with details of a parents’ information that will be provided in advance.

SCIENCE lessons will cover the topic of Light. Pupils will learn that light travels in straight lines, explore which materials reflect and absorb light and discover how the eye works.

The end of year will involve several ‘Farewell year 6’ events.  We will have our Year 6 PRODUCTION, PAULTON’S PARK trip and our leavers’ party.  We will update you these events throughout the term.


P.E. - The children will have a PE lesson and a Games lesson each week. For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, it is important that they are appropriately dressed for PE activities. For Games, we would like the children to wear tracksuit/warmer clothes for when the weather turns colder. For both Games and PE, earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters or tape (to be supplied from home) and long hair needs to be tied back. The children can continue to come to school dressed in their P.E kit for their P.E days (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays).

P.E. Kit - Children are encouraged to wear black shorts and or jogging bottoms; their school hoodie and their house coloured PE t-shirt. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear.

We are sure that we shall have a happy and successful year; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have via the office email:


If you need to contact any of the team, then please use the office email.  

We hope that your child will have a happy and rewarding final term at Solent Junior School and we are very much looking forward to sharing it with them.

Miss Smith, Miss Palmer and Mr Washer

The Year 6 teachers