Solent Junior School
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 Home Page

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Welcome back to the Summer Term in Year 5! We all hope that you had a thoroughly enjoyable Easter break and are ready to take on the challenges of a new term.


Our main Learning Unit theme for this term will be ‘Contrasting Continents - from sea to snow’ encompassing Geographical enquiry, English, Maths, Art and DT. We will be exploring Geographical knowledge of England before narrowing down to our home city of Portsmouth and then doing some geographical exploration of Antarctica. This will also be alongside looking at other cities in our Guided Reading and English, such as Paris. We will learn about both physical and human geography and will be exploring similarities and differences between the two cities, including food, education and climate.


This will continue to set one English and one Maths piece (30 minutes spent on each), set on a Monday, to be returned the following Monday via Teams. A learning log task will be set each term, where children are given two weeks to complete a mini project relating to our current topic, which will allow them to apply other curriculum skills. In addition to this, the children should also be practising their spellings or times tables weekly, ready for their test the following week. 


As a reminder we are continuing with our spelling scheme through edshed (Spelling shed). Each child has a login, which can be used each week to practise the weekly spellings. It is also a great tool for any extra spelling practise your children may want to do. The PowerPoints will also be uploaded with the homework to help with any practise that you may want to do at home. Any questions please contact the class teacher.



P.E. – A reminder, that all children are to wear P.E. kit to school every Wednesday and Thursday, as well as on their class P.E. day (see below for days).  For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, it is important that they are appropriately dressed for the P.E. activities. Children are encouraged to wear black shorts and or jogging bottoms; their school jumper or house hoodie; their house coloured PE t-shirt. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear, such as trainers.


Additional safety precautions during PE: Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters or tape (to be supplied from home) and long hair needs to be tied back. No watches or rings please.

P.E. Days:  

  • Wednesday and Thursday for all year 5


Thank you for your support with the return of our reading records. We are so impressed with the amount of home reading that the children are doing. Just a reminder, please can these be returned to school each Monday, so they are in school ready to take to the library with us on this day.


MOBILE PHONES - If you wish your child to have a mobile phone at school, please complete a mobile phone permission form from the office. These will then be stored in class during school hours.


Later in the Summer Term, we will be teaching our Sex and Relationship programme (SRE) - ‘Growing Up’. This unit is part of our Personal, Social and Health Education, and will involve discussions, role play and circle time to help children think about their ‘relationships’ and ‘changes’. A letter will be sent out in due course, inviting you to attend an information event.

We are really looking forward to starting the Summer term together with you all; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have via the office email:

Yours Sincerely

The Year 5 Teachers

Miss Cawthorne, Mrs Colarusso, Miss Sweatman and Mr Legg