Solent Junior School
After School Clubs
Click on the links below to discover more about our After School provision

After school clubs provided by an independent organisation.

In addition to the After School Clubs run on site by external providers, our staff also provide enrichment opportunities, after school, across the year. This year, our after school club offer is as follows:

After School Clubs 2023-2024


Led by School Staff

Led by External Provider



Spanish Club


Forces Friends (All Year)
Book Club (Autumn 2)
Dance Club (Spring 1)
Art, Craft & DT Club (Spring 2)
Singing Club (Summer 2)



Yoga Club (Autumn 2)
Maths Club (Spring 1)
Gardening Club (Spring 2)
Construction Club (Summer 1)
Computing Club (Summer 2)

Football Club
Theatre Arts



Create Club


Gardening Club (Summer 1)
