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Year 6 Spring 2025
Happy New Year to you all! Here we are at the beginning of the Spring Term - one that is particularly important. We have a lot of interesting activities arranged for this term, but there is also a lot of hard work to do as we approach the SATs tests in May. We hope that we can continue to rely on your support, so that together we can help your child reach their full potential.
Our second MOCK SATs week is scheduled for Monday 13th – Thursday 16th January 2025. Please ensure, as far as possible, that your child is in school this week as these assessments will inform our teaching and intervention for the rest of the term.
We will continue to structure the majority of our learning around our LEARNING UNITS. Some subjects will still be taught discretely where they do not easily unite with the overall theme. Our learning unit for the term is ‘Putting on the Blitz’ which is centred on developing historical skills through a study of World War 2. We are delighted to be launching our new topic with a class trip to Fort Nelson (8th (6s) / 9th (6w) /10th (6P) January) to explore World War 2 in the locality. In the meantime, I thoroughly recommend a visit to the D-DAY museum with your child, in your own time.
HOME LEARNING will continue to be set on a Monday and due in the following Monday. The tasks will continue to be posted on your child’s Microsoft Teams page, with the pupils being required to upload a photo of their home learning or a document to the assignments tab. At times, the children may be provided with online homework, either through the My Maths, Sumdog, Purple Mash or Learning By Questions websites. Weekly spellings are uploaded every Monday so that the children can practise at home (in addition to the time they spend practising in school) ahead of the weekly tests.
We look forward to seeing you for your PARENT/CARER APPOINTMENT later this half term (Monday 10th and Thursday 13th February) where we will be discussing your child’s progress and the targets they have been set. A letter with further information will be sent out shortly, which will include how to book slots.
There is still the expectation that winter uniform should be worn, which consists of a shirt and a tie, so please could we ask that you make sure your child comes in with one (named).
P.E. - The children will have a PE lesson and a Games lesson each week. For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, it is important that they are appropriately dressed for PE activities. For Games, we would like the children to wear tracksuit/warmer clothes for when the weather turns colder. For both Games and PE, earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters or tape (to be supplied from home) and long hair needs to be tied back. Until further notice, the children can continue to come to school dressed in their P.E kit for their P.E days (Mondays and Tuesdays).
P.E. Kit - Children are encouraged to wear black shorts and or jogging bottoms; their house coloured hoodie or house coloured PE t-shirt. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear.
We are sure that we shall have a happy and successful year; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have via the office email:
Miss Smith, Miss Palmer, Mr Washer
The Year 6 teachers