Solent Junior School
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 Home Page

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Happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas!

As we start the new year, we would like to share with you an overview of the learning journey your child will take part in, during the Spring Term. After an incredibly busy, and yet amazing Autumn Term, the children are now fully settled into Year 5 and ready for the thrilling term ahead.

We will continue to structure much of our learning around our themed units. Some subjects will still be taught discretely, where they do not easily dovetail into the overall theme.

Our main theme for this term will be 'Sustainable Saxons' and 'Were the Vikings Really Vile?'. We will begin by asking the children to complete a historical learning log task, based on a brief overview of Saxon and Viking Britain. Following on from this, we will be travelling back in time to Saxon Britain to investigate how life changed and their lasting legacy. This will link into our Writing and Art topics and even to our exciting residential.


This will continue to set one English and one Maths piece (30 minutes spent on each), set on a Monday, to be returned the following Monday via Teams. A learning log task will be set each term, where children are given two weeks to complete a mini project relating to our current topic, which will allow them to apply other curriculum skills. In addition to this, the children should also be practising their spellings or times tables weekly, ready for their test the following week.


Please remember to use our spelling scheme through edshed (Spelling shed). Each child will have a login, which can be used each week to practise the weekly spellings. It is also a great tool for any extra spelling practise your children may want to do. Any questions please contact the class teacher. The PowerPoints that are used alongside their learning will also be made available for you to use.



Monday 6th January First Day Back at School

Monday 6th –10th January Arts week

Friday 17th January Trust INSET Day

Tuesday 14th January Stubbington Meeting in 5CS 15:30 -16:00

Tuesday 14th January Stubbington Medical Form Deadline TODAY!!!

Monday 3rd – 7th March Stubbington Residential



This term we have our exciting residential at the Stubbington Study Centre (3rd – 7th March). This is an extremely beneficial opportunity for Year 5, that will link to all aspects of the curriculum. We will be able to share lots of photographs of our time away, which we know you will enjoy.



After our trip to Stubbington, we have a Shakespeare performance unit for our English. The children will be given parts in their class with lines to learn, ready to record in front of a green screen. This will be a version of ‘Twelfth Night’.



P.E. – A reminder, that all children are to wear P.E. kit to school every Monday and Tuesday, as well as on their class P.E. day (see below for days). For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, it is important that they are appropriately dressed for the P.E. activities. Children are encouraged to wear black shorts and or jogging bottoms; their school jumper or house hoodie; their house coloured P.E. t-shirt. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear, such as trainers.

Additional safety precautions during P.E.: Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters or tape (to be supplied from home) and long hair needs to be tied back. No watches or rings please.


P.E. Days:

Monday and Tuesday for all Year 5 Classes


We are confident that we will have a happy and successful Spring and Summer Terms; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have via the office email:

Yours sincerely,

The Year 5 Teachers

Mrs Colarusso, Miss Cawthorne, Miss Sweatman, Miss Evans and Mrs Bannister-Palmer