Solent Junior School
Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 Home Page

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Happy Summer Term to you all! Finally, the longer days are upon us, and our fingers are crossed for some sunshine. We very much look forward to a jam-packed, yet exciting Summer Term, and we know the children will really enjoy everything we have planned for them.

This term, our main theme will be Ancient Egypt! This is our History topic, but we will link this to our learning across the Curriculum, especially our Art and Reading. Some highlights include our Mummification of a fish, and our Amazing Egyptian Extravaganza (more information will be released later this term).

We are also learning all about landmarks in Geography; looking at the important and historical landmarks in the United Kingdom, some of which are physical and some of which are human. We will take a deep dive into the landmarks of Portsmouth, taking a trip up to Portsdown Hill to observe.

Although this is one of our key topics, some subjects will still be taught discretely, where they do not easily dovetail into the overall theme.


Later in the Summer Term, we will be teaching our Sex and Relationship programme (SRE) - ‘Growing Up’. This unit is part of our Personal, Social and Health Education, and will involve discussions to help children think about their ‘relationships’ and ‘changes’. A letter will be sent out in due course, inviting you to attend an information event regarding this subject.

Home Learning:

Home learning will continue to be set on a Monday, via Teams, and it should be turned into Teams, by the following Monday. This will continue to alternate between English and Maths. Alongside the home learning, your children will also be set spellings or times tables, which they should on practising ready from their test the following week. We recommend practising the spellings and timetables, little and often, as this the best way for children to absorb the learning fully. On your home learning task, we have provided some useful links that your children may want to use to help learn their times tables. In addition, once a term the children will be set a learning log. This is a creative activity; therefore, it will be a 2-week learning task. Keep your eyes peeled for an exciting Egyptian Learning Log, coming up later this term. If there are any problems with home learning, please let your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible.

 Reading Records:

Thank you for your support with home reading and completing reading records. We are so impressed with the amount of home reading that the children are doing! Just a reminder, please can these be returned to school every, Monday. We will have our library day every Tuesday.


P.E. - We would like remind you that all Year 3 pupils will need to wear their PE Kits to school every Thursday and Friday. Pupils will have two P.E. lessons each week (see each classes additional P.E. day, below). For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, it is important that they are appropriately dressed for the P.E. activities. Additional safety precautions during PE: Earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters or tape (to be supplied from home) and long hair needs to be tied back. No watches or rings please.

P.E. Kit: Children are encouraged to wear black shorts and or jogging bottoms; their school jumper or hoodie and their house coloured PE t-shirt. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear. At this time, all games will be held outdoors, therefore, trainers are essential to ensure your child can take part in all activities safely.

  • 3N – Monday and Friday
  • 3S – Monday and Friday
  • 3SA – Monday and Friday

 Upcoming events:

Later in Summer Term 2, we will be sending out details about our Egyptian Exhibition.

Please remember to check your class Teams page regularly, as we often post updates and reminders via this platform.

We are sure that we will have a positive and successful final term; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have via the office email:

Here’s to a full-packed and enjoyable Summer Term!

The Year 3 Teachers

Miss Nicholas, Miss Atkins, Miss Saunders and Miss Smith.